Camí Del Correu

Route Esporles to Banyalbufar, follow GR 221 path

Hike Time: 1 hour 45 minutes Level: 7/10

Begin the hike at the church in Esporles. Take the church road Plaça d’Espanya to Costa de Sant Pere and after about 150 m, in a curve, you will see the first sign for “Camí des Correu” indicated toward the left. This is the beginning of the walk. Follow signs and markers, you will have to cross the street twice in the first half hour of the walk. The heart of the walk is in the shade, under trees, with a decent uphill incline for a good 30 minutes. The walk ends with a 20 minute descent with beautiful views of terraced gardens, into the town of Banyalbufar. A great hike combining some good exercise with stunning views. See link for route details.


Image © Kevin Johnston / Unsplash

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