Capri by day

Whether you are visiting Capri and the Amalfi Coast by land or by sea, renting a boat is really important to enjoy this fabulous island in the Med. Head to Marina Grande and rent a gommone (small zodiac) or a charming wooden boat, it is possible to go all around the island of Capri and/or head across to Nerano and the Amalfi Coast, seas permitting.


outdoor veNture


Don’t miss going through the iconic Faraglioni by boat.


Grotta Azzurra

Roaming Stones has a little tip for how best to visit this extraordinary cave. On a calm day, (note, seas must be calm, or else you risk hitting the rocks) after about 5:00pm in the afternoon, when the small tourist boats have stopped running, you can swim in by hanging on the chain that hangs in the entrance of the Grotta. The fluroescent turqoise light once inside is mesmerizing.


Lunch in Nerano

Again, if the seas are calm, a fun boating destination is to head to Nerano on the Amalfi Coast for lunch, see EAT for our favorites. We recommend stopping for a swim in the Galli Islands, Nureyev once owned the magnificent house on the biggest of these small islands.


Marina Piccola

Capri’s Marina Grande is a small port. Roaming Stones recommends anchoring in Marina Piccola, the waters are usually calm and it is a great place from where to explore the whole island and the Amalfi Coast across. La Fontelina (see EAT) is in in the bay of Marina Piccola and the walk to the Arco Naturale (see OUTDOOR VENTURE) can depart from La Fontelina.


2. Grotta Azzurra

3. Marina Piccola

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Image 1 & 3  © Roaming Stones
Image 2 © Asim / Adobe Stock